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Fig. 3 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 3

From: Identification of reaction organization patterns that naturally cluster enzymatic transformations

Fig. 3

Representation of three tree structure examples. Panel a shows the split of reaction R00509 (subsection a1) as represented in the KEGG database. Subsection a.2 shows a graphical representation of a TS. The TS split representations are viewed from the top down, and compact strings are read left to right. Nodes: the gray octagon defines the tree root (reaction), the squares define the CP node, the rhomboid defines lone compound nodes, and the white circle defines compounds. Edges: blue, split through balance; orange, split through count; thin line, node/compound link. In subsection a.3, we represent the reaction split in a string format constructed as explained in the Methods section. In panels b and c, we show the TS graphical representation of reactions R10376 and R00025, respectively. For both reactions, the same caption descriptions for panels a2 and a3 are applied to each respective subsection

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