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Fig. 9 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 9

From: An efficient algorithm for identifying primary phenotype attractors of a large-scale Boolean network

Fig. 9

Simplified CACC network for apoptosis attractors. When finding attractors for apoptosis in the CACC model, the network denotes the hierarchically partitioned CACC network for nodes except ESENs and PSPNs with the simplified update rules. There exist four SCCs with more than one node, which are represented with different colors:V 1,1 = {IFNG, CTL}, V 1,2 = {SOCS, JAK, STAT3}, V 4,1 = {CCL2, MAC, TNFA, TNFR, IKK, IKB, NFKB}and V 10,1 = {P53, PTEN}. The yellow boxes denote the nodes used in the constraint equations ((NFKB|STAT3)&(~ SMAC) = 0, CASP8|CASP9 = 1)

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