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Table 1 Listing of used transcriptomics and literature mining datasets

From: Vascular endothelial growth factor A as predictive marker for mTOR inhibition in relapsing high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Dataset acronym

Dataset description

Dataset use



Set of molecular features linked to HGSOC via literature mining.

Input for generating the HGSOCr molecular model



Meta-analysis of nine transcriptomics studies reporting differentially regulated genes associated with ovarian cancer relapse.

Input for generating the HGSOCr molecular model



Transcriptomics dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas reporting on differentially expressed genes linked with ovarian cancer disease prognosis.

Input for generating the HGSOCr molecular model



Transcriptomics study on ovarian cancer patients to identify predictors of platinum resistance.

Input for evaluating the status of mTOR signaling pathway members



Transcriptomics study involving more than 200 ovarian cancer patients in order to identify molecular signature for subtyping ovarian cancer.

Training set for deriving the prognostic transcript panel



Transcriptomics study to identify survival signatures in serous ovarian cancer patients.

Test set for validating the prognostic transcript panel



Set of molecular features linked to cisplatin via literature mining.

Input for generating the cisplatin MoA molecular model



Set of molecular features linked to paclitaxel via literature mining.

Input for generating the paclitaxel MoA molecular model



Set of molecular features linked to sirolimus via literature mining.

Input for generating the sirolimus MoA molecular model


  1. Overview and short description of datasets used for the integrated analysis in the present study. The specific use of the dataset in the integrated analysis is given along with the link to original publications for transcriptomics datasets