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Table 4 Metabolic pathways altered by developmental and adult temperature in males

From: Invariance and plasticity in the Drosophila melanogastermetabolomic network in response to temperature

Pathway (a)

Overlap size (b)

Pathway size (c)

Overlap features (id) (d)

Serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis



Trp, N-acetyl-serotonin, S-adenosylmethionine, N-acetyl-5-Methoxy-tryptamine

  1. Metabolic pathways (a) identified as enriched in the set of metabolites affected by developmental and adult temperature in male Drosophila. For this analysis, we pooled together metabolomics data from flies exposed to cold (18°C) developmental and adult temperatures, and compared them with data from flies exposed to hot (27°C) developmental and adult temperatures. The number of metabolites in the input list that overlapped (b) with the reference list of all metabolites after quality control (c), along with the identification of these metabolites (d) is shown.