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Figure 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 4

From: An integrated proteomics analysis of bone tissues in response to mechanical stimulation

Figure 4

Determination of outliers in correlated variables FC_CTRL_FL and FC_CTRL_L. a) Plot of residuals RES_FL_L distributed over each protein identified by Ratgene_sym. The thick line and the two thin straight lines above and below are average and +/-2 standard deviation lines. Residual fold changes for each protein i were calculated using the linear regression model shown in Table 2 and calculated using the following formula:Residue (i) = FC_CTRL_FL(i) - (a* FC_CTRL_L(i) + b), where FC_CTRL_FL(i) and FC_CTRL_L(i) refer to FC for FL_vs_CTRL and FC for L_vs_CTRL for a given protein i, respectively. b) Normal probability plot of residual variable RES_FL_L over normal projection. The outliers are indicated as blue solid dots in both panels. The normally distributed data points are indicated as red empty circles in both panels.

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