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Figure 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 4

From: A predictive computational model of the kinetic mechanism of stimulus-induced transducer methylation and feedback regulation through CheY in archaeal phototaxis and chemotaxis

Figure 4

Transient transducer demethylation rates and CheYp levels for different kinetic mechanisms and models. Orange bars indicate the time intervals of stimulation with attractant orange light. (A) The CheYp-level adapts (bottom) in Model 1, but only E. coli-type methanol release patterns (top) are obtained, irrespective of the chosen parameters. (A inset) A variation of Model 1 that demonstrates the inverted repellent response of mutant cells to normally attractant orange light [55]. (B) The CheYp-level adapts (top, inset) in Model 2, but only E. coli-type methanol release patterns (top) are produced on changes in activity (ΔA): if reaction rates dm A and dm I depend linear on activity A, changes in the rates (Δdm A , Δdm I ) almost compensate each other and no net increase of demethylation occurs (bottom). (C) The CheYp-level adapts (top, inset) in Model 3 and Halobacterium-type methanol release patterns (top) can occur in Model 3 with antagonistic methylation and transducer modification rates that depend quadratic on A (bottom).

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