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Table 1 Parameters used in model of the EBV genetic switch

From: Epstein-Barr virus latency switch in human B-cells: a physico-chemical model




K dE *

1 nM (0.1 – 10 nM)

Assumed model parameter


15 pM


K dOFR *

2.5 nM (2.5 – 12.5 nM)


K dQ

0.21 μ M


E tot in lat III

34,000 molecules


Ï„ 1/2

48 h


cell division time

24 h


Nucleus volume *

2e -13 l(2e -14 - 2e -12 l)


  1. Each Paramater is presented with a name, also used in the Methods section, and its value and corresponding reference puplication. *The three parameters that were altered in robustness tests. The range is given in Parenthesis.